In 2022, over 10.1 billion aquatic animals were killed for food in Canada—more than 12 times the number of land animals.
Understanding the number and origin of animals entering a country is important to control the health and ecological problems ...
Why are there so many different species? The diversity of habitats in Canada, such as deciduous forests, boreal forests, tundra and ocean regions, supports a large variety of species. These species ...
The oft-debated Canada lynx is now teed up as one of the first high-profile Endangered Species Act dilemmas to greet the Trump administration’s Interior Department. With the passing of a midnight ...
Specifically, we... We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to revise the critical habitat designation for the contiguous U.S. distinct population segment (DPS) of the Canada lynx ...
The DNR plans to provide 400,000 Arctic grayling eggs to Native American tribes to stock in rivers this spring as ...
The Provincial Alberta Invasive Species Task Force has recommended seven measures to combat the spread of aquatic invasive species, putting particular emphasis on reducing the spread of invasive ...
Wildfires, while destructive, often spare wildlife populations, as animals are adept at avoiding danger, said Jen Bruns, ...
A new documentary comes out in late January, outlining the severe impact the invasive species had on fish populations until the late 1950s across the Great Lakes region.
The Government of Canada is committed to preventing the disappearance of wildlife species at risk from our lands. As part of its strategy for realizing that commitment, on June 5, 2003, the Government ...
Recent findings show bigmouth buffalo fish have perplexingly long lives and appear to get healthier as they age. But scientists are worried their population is about to crash.