The biggest cetacean in the world is the blue whale, whose scientific name is Balaenoptera musculus. This huge animal reaches approximately 100 feet long. Some can reach slightly longer, but this is a ...
There was excitement among whale watchers after a rarely seen pod of killer whales was spotted off the coast of Orange County on Thursday, January 30, in the first documented appearance of the pod in ...
A pod of killer whales made an unexpected visit off the coast of Orange County Thursday. The pod of CA56 killer whales (orcas) was spotted by a Davey’s Locker whale-watching boat about 12:30 p.m ...
DNA evidence has confirmed killer whales in Australia hunted a white shark for its liver. Based on DNA analysis from the bite wounds on the carcass of a large white shark washed ashore near ...
Two Los Angeles-area boaters on Saturday spotted a juvenile gray whale that had recently been killed by orcas and was missing most of its head. Alisa Schulman-Janiger, director of the ACS-LA Gray ...
An orca calf less than 24 hours old has been spotted in a rare sighting of a newborn killer whale in Western Australia. The animals are regularly seen off Bremer Bay in summer, but calves are ...