In a cinematic turn of events, a 34-year-old Brazilian man allegedly stole two wristwatches worth over Rs 3.3 lakh from a duty-free store at Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) in Bengaluru before ...
Soon, they noticed an anomaly in their data: a snake from Somaliland was genetically distinct. Researchers realized they’d discovered a new species: Boaedon subniger. A Boaedon subniger ...
LOVE Island fans were left furious tonight as Elma broke down in tears over Kaz’s shock snog with Ronnie. Viewers branded Kaz a ‘snake’ for making a beeline for Ronnie just moments after he ...
LOVE Island fans were left furious tonight as Elma broke down in tears over Kaz’s shock snog with Ronnie. In surprising scenes Kaz and Ronnie enjoyed not just one but two kisses in the Secret ...
Trindade, a small rocky island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean 600 miles off the coast of Bahia, Brazil, was the site of one of the most impressive photographic cases in UFO history. In ...
Residents in an Ayrshire town have been left baffled after reports of a 'large dead snake' on a beach. The discovery was made on the beach in Ardeer on Wednesday morning (January 15). A photograph was ...
Tulyasuk sent them to scientists, who took a closer look at the animals and quickly realized they’d discovered a new species: Oligodon cicadophagus, or the cicada-eating kukri snake. An Oligodon ...
Hill will then compete in the Double Deca Continuous Brasil Ultra Triathlon May 2-16 in Rio de Janeiro. "It's such an honour to kick off the roster of confirmed athletes with Shanda Hill," said the ...