Several automated software packages facilitate conducting NMA using either of two alternative approaches, Bayesian or frequentist frameworks. Researchers must choose a framework for conducting NMA ...
Transcript(s) X (only if a new degree was earned since last certification) (only if a new degree was earned since last certification) Graduation and Degree Name(s) with Date(s) X (only if a new degree ...
This paper uses Bayesian methods in conjunction with spatiotemporal and zoonotic data to evaluate the odds ratio for two hypotheses regarding the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely, an accidental ...
Prediction and inference procedures for synthetic control methods with multiple treated units and staggered adoption.
The increasing complexity of deep neural networks (DNN) and their proliferating applications in embedded computing have pushed conventional architectures and CMOS technologies to their limits (Shukla ...
The purpose of this review is to highlight progress in unraveling carbon cycling dynamics across the continuum of landscapes, inland waters, coastal oceans, and the atmosphere. Earth systems are ...