Islamic date today in Pakistan is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know the exact Islamic date today or chand ki ...
Looking to make your Big Game party unforgettable? Tanji Patton, host of Goodtaste TV, is here with expert tips on pairing ...
Meet Wes Samms, the master of ceremonies behind the City of Trees Parade—one of Sacramento’s biggest, loudest and most joyful ...
Q: What is the Euro worth against the Pakistani Rupee? A: One Euro is worth 290.0947 Pakistani Rupees today Q: Is the Euro going up or down against the Pakistani Rupee? A: Today's exchange rate ...
Q: What is the Saudi Riyal worth against the Pakistani Rupee? A: One Saudi Riyal is worth 74.2738 Pakistani Rupees today Q: Is the Saudi Riyal going up or down against the Pakistani Rupee?