Scientists Unearth Ancient Royal Tomb Harboring Remains of 18 Horses, Sheds Light on Scythian Funeral Ritual Researchers ...
The Bering land bridge that spanned between Siberia and Alaska during the Ice ... It was the first attempt to reconstruct the ancient landscape and climate of the land bridge.
SCIENTISTS have found an ancient royal tomb from 2,800 years ago filled with the remains of decayed horses. The site was found in Siberia and unearthed 18 horses found ritualistically sacrificed ...
The Petroglyphs of Siberia These rock drawings along Siberian rivers span a period of perhaps 20,000 years. They indicate connections among ancient peoples living as far apart as France and Japan ...
A pair of ancient nematodes or microscopic roundworms that lived in the Pleistocene era, when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth, have been revived by scientists. The surprising discovery ...
This week, meet a big-brained ancient human relative, hear a meteorite as it lands on Earth, spot a tiny kangaroo-like ...
This reconstructed visage of "Dragon Man" from the Harbin Skull is linked to a group of early humans called the Denisovans.
Melting ice in the Arctic circle has been thawing out some gigantic ancient viruses. Last month, researchers announced they were studying a 30,000-year-old giant virus called Mollivirus sibericum ...