objects or events you can see in the sky.
With February’s winter nights regularly dropping below freezing, it’s tempting to take the easy way out and just stay inside.
The three stars that form Orion’s Belt are, from east to west, magnitude 1.7 Alnitak, magnitude 1.7 Alnilam, and magnitude 2.3 Mintaka. That first star, Alnitak, is a hot, blue-white O-type star ...
Its most famous signpost are the three stars of Orions Belt — Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka ... The radiant point is close to the red supergiant star Betelgeuse, which will be above Orion ...
With the Moon now out of the way, this is a great time to look at the spectacular Sword of Orion region which contains the wonderful Orion Nebula notes the ...