Current local time in Alaska Daylight Time (Alaska Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Alaska Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
According to supporters of the bill, there is a growing interest in ending “spring forward” and “fall back” time rules every year.
The art of growing these record-setting vegetables, including colossal pumpkins and giant cabbages, brings people together.
If we wanted a night out, we headed to The Potato, a fun little spot in McCarthy. The food is hearty and comforting, ...
For those who prefer their burgers with a bit of Western flair, there’s the aptly named “Western Bacon.” It’s got cheddar cheese, BBQ sauce, bacon, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and onion. It’s like a rodeo ...
Pet pooches are "more flexible" when it comes to Daylight Saving Time, say scientists. But working dogs took a day to adjust.
On the night of Feb. 5, a waxing gibbous moon will once again cover up the "Seven Sisters" of the famous Pleiades star ...
Winter in Alaska has waterfalls frozen mid-cascade, ice caves so blue they look unreal, and lakes so clear you can skate across them like glass.
A ritual returns like clockwork twice a year, but InvestigateTV+ uncovers some believe we should stop changing time with the seasons.
A hunt for mountain lions along the Gila River in New Mexico led the hunter, Charles Elliott, and his guide on a chase ...
Balto and a portion of the team were confined to the back room Los Angeles dime museum before they were purchased by a ...