Regenerative agriculture aims to restore the health of our soils through farming practices based on natural processes.
A new study reveals that implementing enhanced weathering (EW), the practice of adding crushed basalt to soils, with U.S.
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Plants pull CO2 from the air and deposit it into the soil. However, during fallow periods photosynthesis grinds to a halt.
The approved document runs to a single page and begins with the following: ...
Insect frass turns waste into a powerful organic fertilizer, boosting soil health and sustainability in farming.
An innovative resource designed to streamline and improve decision-making in agricultural and natural resources production ...
Dharwad: The scientific advisory committee (SAC) of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) has decided to launch a campaign on soil ...
Turfgrass—including sports fields, roadside ditches and residential lawns—makes up 40 million acres of the United States' ...
Locally made castor oils will soon have a QR code authentication system as part of the Government's plan to combat ...