Current research has not found an association between rheumatoid arthritis and appendicitis, but some studies found a link between other autoimmune diseases and appendicitis.
Methods: A literature search was undertaken using the Medline, Biomed, Bids, Pubmed, and Embase electronic databases using the keywords: synovial fluid (SF) analysis, SF crystals, joint sepsis, acute ...
although many newly diagnosed diseases present with acute symptoms. It simply means that symptoms have developed quickly and that some sort of medical intervention is needed. A newly diagnosed illness ...
A short cut review was carried out to establish whether corticosteroids are safe and effective in managing the symptoms of acute gouty arthritis. Five studies were directly relevant to the question.
Acute renal failure is caused by damage to the kidneys, which can occur as a result of blood loss, toxins, or physical damage to the kidneys. Acute renal failure occurs rapidly, causing generalized ...
Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) increase the risk for adverse maternal and fetal outcomes during pregnancy, with varying impacts across different CTD subtypes, according to study results published ...