As a wave of recent rhetoric from UK Government sends shockwaves across a nature-loving nation, it would seem that the new Labour administration is trying out a populist, anti-scientific stance on ...
We need to restore nature at a global scale, on land and at sea. And it needs to happen now. Strategy 2030 provides the high-level framework of how we intend to go about it. Our vision is of a ...
The National Water Vole Database Project (NWVDP) is the only project of its kind in the UK. By bringing together and mapping water vole and mink data, we can inform conservation efforts to give ratty ...
Charles Rothschild had founded the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR - now The Wildlife Trusts) in May 1912, with the objective of protecting special places for wildlife. Over the ...
Faced with costly climate breakdown, UK businesses can’t afford to wait for more stringent government regulations to reach 30 by 30 (protecting and connecting 30% of the UK's land and sea for nature ...
In May 1912, a month after the Titanic sank, banker and expert naturalist Charles Rothschild held a meeting at the Natural History Museum in London to discuss his idea for a new organisation to save ...
Provide food for caterpillars and choose nectar-rich plants for butterflies and you’ll have a colourful, fluttering display in your garden for many months. While just about any flower with nectar can ...
The grass snake is our longest snake, but don't worry if you find one in the compost heap - it's harmless! Look out for this green and yellow beauty in grasslands and wetlands, too. Protected in the ...
Waders can be a tough group to define. The term is used to describe members of a number of bird families, all from the order Charadriiformes (which also includes gulls, terns, skuas, and auks). As the ...
The White-clawed crayfish is a freshwater, bronze-coloured crustacean with pale undersides to its claws - hence the name. It is under threat from an invasive and introduced species of crayfish.