All donated toys will be taken to London and become part of a display of farm toys and tractors representing different ...
NFU President Tom Bradshaw says that transparency, engagement and a government that is willing to listen are key for a land ...
The NFU is urging the government to act on the recommendations of the National Preparedness Commission, an independent group ...
The NFU has successfully supported a number of MPs over the years to introduce PMBs that benefit food and farming businesses.
In a letter to the Chancellor led by the NFU, more than 50 signatories representing the food manufacturing industry have ...
The NFU has had reports of calves being born displaying sigs of weakness, ill thrift and/or brain deformities. As such, we're ...
Speaking to numerous agriculture-related industries, the NFU knows how much they share our concerns about the government’s ...
More than 20 dairy processors, with a combined turnover of over £7 billion, have joined 57 other businesses from across the ...
A Bedfordshire farmer plagued by hare coursers believes a new consultation on court sentencing guidelines could make a real impact.
The Farming Day of Unity saw farmers, supportive industries, MPs and the public come together in protest against the family ...
NFU members in the South are to gain better understanding of the impact badger vaccination may have on future bovine TB ...
The government is consulting on reforms to the compulsory purchase process and compensation rules. Fill in our online form by ...