The topic of the January 29 NYU Law Forum, held just nine days into the Trump administration, couldn’t have been timelier: the extent of the power of the US president to hire and fire government ...
Lisa Monaco returns to NYU Law as a distinguished scholar in residence after serving as US deputy attorney general from 2021 ...
From his days at New York City Hall to his studies at NYU Law to his work with nonprofit organizations countering gun ...
The notion of a basic income has long been of interest to Professor of Law Daniel Hemel, whose scholarship has examined ...
The Colloquium offers students the opportunity to pursue tax policy and theory, along with related issues of public economics, at an advanced level. The primary focus of the Colloquium will be papers ...
At the 29th annual Derrick Bell Lecture on Race in American Society, Kristin Henning, a professor of law and director of the ...
Clinicians who wish to apply for positions on the Review's Board of Editors or as Readers of manuscripts should contact Randy Hertz at the above address. The subscription rate is $24 per volume ($26 ...
The Advanced Certificate is a 12-credit specialized study program in corporate tax, estate planning, or international tax.
The Global Fellows Program brings academics, practitioners, government officials and postdoctoral scholars from around the world to NYU for up to one year to conduct and present their research for ...
The right to protest is a fundamental right protected by the US Constitution and the First Amendment, but there are risks in participating in these events, especially for Black and Brown people. This ...
Take full advantage of NYU Law's extraordinarily wide range of courses to design an individualized curriculum that matches your intellectual and professional interests. Watch: Mohammed Alismail LLM ...
In a tax program second to none, and designed exclusively for foreign-trained lawyers, you'll gain a firm grounding in US international tax law and specialized training that reflects the globalization ...