When discussing the value of livestock, the literature often emphasizes economic and food-related benefits. However, livestock mean much more, particularly for pastoralists. Beyond their economic ...
The 17th issue of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) East and Southeast Asia newsletter is now available. It provides an overview of the activities from July to December 2024 as ...
Ethiopia's rural landscapes, the backbone of the nation's economy, have long relied on mixed farming systems. However, as the population grows and climate change intensifies, these age-old practices ...
In the last two months, several inception meetings were held to launch the project CIRcularity of Nutrients in AgroecoSystems and co-benefits on animal and human health (CIRNA) in Uganda and Kenya.
A gender-inclusive approach to community livestock vaccination can help address the different barriers faced by men and women farmers and may increase the uptake of livestock vaccines Scientists at ...