Für den Fall, dass Sie uns Informationen über mögliche Compliance-Verstöße zukommen lassen möchten, haben wir ein Online-Meldesystem für Hinweise auf Missstände eingerichtet. Unser Online-Meldesystem ...
We are rapidly expanding our workforce and offer a unique opportunity to help shape the future of telecommunications in Switzerland. Huawei’s corporate vision is to enrich life through communication.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from May 25, 2018. It will affect the way that organizations covered by GDPR collect and manage the personal data of their customers and ...
The intelligent world is approaching, faster than ever before. This is creating unprecedented opportunities and challenges in terms of innovation. Huawei continues to invest in basic research and open ...
网络转型的本质是商业模式转型,旨在帮助运营商从单纯提供网络基础设施服务转向提供云服务,充分发挥其网络能力优势,打造一个全新的电信业。 从1876年电话发明到现在,140年时间中,通信网络从窄带变成宽带、从固定扩展到无线、从TDM演进到IP、从单一 ...
Interactive, immersive content has the power to transform enterprises and deliver consumer experiences that will define the media and gaming industries for years to come. Although potential use cases ...
Supercomputing is a key technology that can transform society and open the door to humanity’s next stage of technological evolution. Many nations are prioritizing supercomputing R&D, including the US, ...
Small cells are likely to play an important role in meeting the network demands of the future. The increasing numbers of massive hotspot areas with demanding capacity and connections requirements has ...
未来的人工智能什么样?现在还没有确定的答案,但能确定的是现在只是开始。科大讯飞执行总裁、消费者事业群总裁胡郁表示,人工智能经过60多年的发展,现在刚刚找到了一个可能达到人类智能的入口。 未来的人工智能什么样?现在还没有确定的答案,但能 ...
华为2023年年度报告及可持续发展附录 《华为投资控股有限公司2023年年度报告》“可持续发展”章节参照全球报告倡议组织(GRI)《GRI标准》进行编写,为了保证报告的可靠、公正和透明,公司聘请了外部审验机构SGS对报告“可持续发展”章节及附录进行验证并 ...
6G is the next-generation advanced mobile communications system, but it will go far beyond communications. 6G will serve as a distributed neural network that provides communication links to fuse the ...
Digital transformation and intelligent transformation are inevitable trends that are profoundly changing each and every industry. Our entire industry agrees that globalization is the way forward, and ...