苹果在前段时间发布了 iOS18.3 正式版系统,不少人对此系统的续航能力感兴趣(主要确实也没什么新功能)。 那么近日,我们的老朋友 iAppleBytes 带来了 iOS18.3 正式版的续航测试结果,我们现在就来看看此版本的续航能力如何吧!
其中包括iPhone XR、iPhone XS系列、iPhone 11系列、iPhone 12系列、iPhone 13系列、iPhone 14系列、iPhone 15系列、iPhone 16系列,以及第二代和第三代iPhone SE。
iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPhone XR from its online store. These models join the iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus which were all discontinued last year. Although Apple no ...
The iPhone XR also comes with iOS 12, Apple’s latest operating system, home to that space bar trick, the very telling screen time insight, and a haul of new emojis (New llama! Lacrosse!