Washing your hair regularly is an essential part of any typical grooming regime. But a third of women over the age of 65 only get the shampoo out once a week, according to a study. Experts have ...
An aesthetic preference for long, thick, luxurious hair on women was dominant in America up until the 1920s. Images of this ideal mane of female hair abound on product packaging and advertising ...
Greasy hair can be a bit of a faff. Period. As a firsthand sufferer of oily roots, I understand (all too well) the frustration that comes with having to shampoo your hair every goddamn day.
Her luscious brunette locks are the stuff of dreams, and I’d trade my fine, flat hair for hers in an instant. So, when she shares the 'life-changing' shampoo she swears by, you can bet I’m ...