Colovesical fistula (CVF) is an abnormal connection between the colon and the bladder, often resulting from diverticular disease, cancer, or previous surgical interventions. This condition can ...
Colovesical fistula per se is a rare condition and most commonly occurs secondary to diverticular disease in normal patients. Colovesical fistula in the setting of post-renal transplantation is even ...
This article reports a case of colovesical fistula presenting with epididymitis. A 75-year-old man with a recent conservatively managed localised diverticular perforation presented to hospital with ...
Results 56 patients (38 male) underwent operative intervention for colovesical fistula. The most common symptoms are pneumaturia (69%), faecaluria (32%) and symptoms associated with recurrent UTIs (68 ...
Patients with suspected colovesical fistula often undergo a series of expensive diagnostic tests and procedures, each of which have limitations. No consensus exists on the best approach to diagnosis.
This then leads me to my two cases. The first is a 77-year-old woman with metastatic pancreatic cancer, diverticular disease and a colovesical fistula. She was admitted to the hospital following ...