The X100 Pro's 16GB + 512GB variant is priced at Rs 89,999. The Vivo X100 comes in two variants – 12GB + 256GB at Rs 63,999 and 16GB + 512GB at Rs 69,999. Both phones offer a 24-month No-Cost ...
Vivo price reduction in India: Vivo T3 Pro and T3 Ultra have received a ₹2,000 price cut on all their variant, making both the devices land in the sub ₹30,000 category. After the discount ...
It can be purchased in colors like Lunar Gray and Frost Green. The Vivo T3 Pro is now available at a new price of Rs 22,999 for the 8GB + 128GB variant and Rs 24,999 for the 8GB + 256GB variant.
If you're in the market for a camera-centric, mid-range phone, there's good news for you—Vivo has dropped the prices of two popular mid-range models, the Vivo T3 Ultra and the Vivo T3 Pro.