The choice between surgery and repeat endoscopic therapy should be based on the pre-existing comorbidities of the patient and the characteristics of the ulcer. Approximately 80-85% of upper ...
To advocate nonoperative treatment for certain cases of perforated peptic ulcer is not new. The first report of the successful management of such a case was that of T. Hall Redwood, who in 1870 10 ...
Background: With dwindling rates of postoperative mortality in perforated peptic ulcer that is attributable to H 2-receptor blocker usage, there is a need to shift the focus towards the prevention ...
Latest research shows that combination treatment proves to be the best option to substantially reduce the risk of recurrent leg ulcers. Surgery to remove part of the affected vein in addition to ...
Treatment: Reducing pressure, keeping the area dry, using antibiotics, or surgery in severe cases. Venous ulcers are the most common type of leg ulcer, often caused by weak veins or poor blood ...