A turkey vulture standing on the ground can ... Polytypic (4 ssp.). Length 27"; wingspan 69". Overall, it is black with brownish tones, especially on the feather edges. Legs are dark to pinkish ...
Turkey vultures deter predators by projectile ... Like many other species of vulture, these birds feed on the remains of already dead animals, rather than killing prey themselves.
Alan Wells said Gilbert was tame, friendly and would not hurt any dogs or animals in people's gardens A man who adopted a turkey vulture when ... tall with a wingspan of up to 6ft (1.8m) Mr ...
Harold the turkey vulture got caught in a gust of wind during ... Pryer said that although Harold was "a lazy bird" his six-foot wingspan meant he could have "glided for potentially miles".
Lee Grim got a call the other day from residents of Rainy Lake about “the strangest looking bird.” And they were right. Turkey vulture chicks do make for the strangest looking birds, according to ...