It is not hysteria to suggest that if Lennar’s permit is approved, many people could get very sick, and some could die, guest ...
This time last year, Jacob’s Well was rushing with water. Today, there's barely a trickle. The popular swimming hole in ...
Lennar Homes' proposal to discharge 600,000 gallons of treated sewage daily in Comfort raises environmental concerns and ...
Voters across the state overwhelmingly approved that," says Rachel Hanes of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance. Their mission is to protect and preserve the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers.
Our issue with Lennar’s plans for the Guajolote Ranch is the potential to pollute San Antonio’s water supplies by discharging ...
Aquifers covered by less permeable formations, such as clay, are confined under artesian pressure. Delineations of the downdip boundaries of such aquifers as the Edwards (BFZ), Trinity, and ...