Following is a transcript of the video. Woody: There's no place like home! Narrator: This is a dog in 1995's "Toy Story." It was a staggering achievement at the time, but the detail in the fur ...
Woody and Buzz Lightyear are likely to see a new adventure in Toy Story 5. At least the latter will, as Tim Allen has returned to lend his voice to the iconic space ranger. He has already done a ...
Like the first two movies, this one also focuses on the toys trying to make an escape. 'Toy Story 4' (2019) Following "Toy Story 3," all of Andy's toys are living with a new owner, Bonnie.
The announcement that Pixar was creating Toy Story 5 was undoubtedly met with raised eyebrows due to the high standards of the previous four films. Pixar made a seemingly perfect ending with Toy ...