At the same time, the imaginary line that roughly joins the southeast corners of the three pyramids points toward the temple of Re in Heliopolis. circa 2550 B.C. Khufu, second king of Egypt’s ...
Giza's three pyramids and the Sphinx were constructed in the fourth dynasty of Egypt's Old Kingdom, arguably the first great civilization on earth. Today, Giza is a suburb of rapidly growing Cairo ...
Adorned with tall, slender pyramids, the wealthy Nile city of Meroë was the seat of power of Kush, an ancient kingdom and rival to Egypt. Kushite culture blended Egyptian customs into its own ...
This is a tool that the Ancient Egyptians used. See the way it's a bit broken? Well, that's because it's very old. We call this kind of object an artefact. An artefact gives us a little window ...
In this video, the narrator explains the ancient Egyptian beliefs in the Sun God and how the pyramids were built so the Sun God could be reborn in the afterlife. The Egyptians believed the ...