Dec. 26, 1918 County School Superintendent reports that there are 66 county schools. Four are high schools, four are semi-graded and 52 are rural schools of either first or second ...
The process of using a TAPE RECORDER for the storage of sound on MAGNETIC TAPE, or the information stored by this process. See also: EMULSION, ORAL HISTORY, MUSIQUE CONCRETE, STEREOPHONIC, TAPE MUSIC, ...
After telling a few stories about how he built a tape recorder as a 16-year-old boy in post-war Germany, [Hans] was finally cajoled into retelling this story in a proper form, giving the Internet ...
A machine that records audio or video onto magnetic tape. A tape "recorder" or tape "deck" generally refers to earlier analog devices, such as a VHS tape recorder. Until the 1990s, analog audio ...
The most commonly used medium for recording sound. It is manufactured in various widths (1/4, 1/2 and one inch primarily) and thicknesses (3.0, 1.5, 1 and .5 mil where 1 mil = 1/1000 inch) for ...