As is general knowledge, we track a day on Earth ... its axial rotation are significantly different. Spinning in only about 35,700 seconds, its day is the shortest in our solar system, and it ...
Scientists at NASA have found patterns which could help predict solar flares, the most common form of solar disturbances aka ...
Astronomers discovered the exoplanet in 2016, a gas giant that’s slightly larger than Jupiter with a fraction of its mass, ...
Scientists found winds on WASP-127b moving at 33,000 km/h. These are the fastest jetstream winds ever recorded on any planet ...
Discover the fascinating findings from asteroid Bennu: pristine salt minerals reveal the presence of liquid water in the ...
Saturn is home to the Solar System’s most epic ice rink ... It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to do one complete rotation, and 225 Earth days to orbit the Sun. Therefore, a day is longer ...
In January 2008, 33 years after Mariner 10 flew past the solar ... 1/100 that of the Earth. One way to produce a weak external magnetic field is with a slow planetary rotation rate.