Even some of the 35 genera which did not germifiate under the conditions of the experiment germinated if fewer seeds were placed in the flask of water. 2. Amongst 43 genera which germinated in the ...
The purpose of this study is to reduce the time-consuming and labor-intensive human visual inspections of seed germination experiments and to develop an improved germination ... GermPredModels: The ...
we have produced a mathematical model that combines information on the performance of all stages of a GMO event detection: beginning with sampling from heterogeneous bulks, such as seed and grain ...
A standard germination test – which takes around 7–10 days – shows the percentage of seeds that germinate in a representative seed sample. Conducted under controlled (optimum) conditions, it indicates ...
Although the major focus will be placed on crops, research articles using model plants to understand the fundamental questions on seed development and germination, which are related to PHS, are also ...
The moment a seed starts to grow is called ‘Germination’. Some people plant seeds in pots or in gardens to germinate. Plants in the wild have many different ways of scattering their seeds ...
Seed aging during storage results in loss of vigor and germination ability due to the accumulation of damage by oxidation reactions. Experimental aging tests, for instance to study genetic variation, ...