Several Saunders Beach residents are begging Townsville City Council to switch off a light tower currently shining over a ...
It’s the middle of a summer night on a beach in Florida. Nicole Flanders is covered in sweat and sand. She’s batting away ...
Dead sea turtles keep washing ashore on India's east coast and environmentalists and authorities are trying frantically to ...
Lebanese volunteers are anxious to get back to sea turtle conservation on southern beaches that were off-limits to civilians ...
In mid-September, as the green sea turtles began hatching, Joumaa and the other volunteers dug down into the sand until their shovels hit metal grates they had placed over nests in the sand.
environmentalists said.A number of threatsOlive ridley turtles are considered a vulnerable species as they lose their habitats, are subject to marine pollution and can get trapped in fishing nets.As ...
As their eggs need two months to hatch — like most sea turtle species — they are also threatened by increased land activity on beaches and coastlines, warmer temperatures, and light pollution ...