and certain desert shrub communities. In all of these vegetational units its distribution depends upon the presence of sagebrush. The preference of the sagebrush grasshopper for silver sagebrush, a ...
The country around the camp belonged to the so called sagebrush desert, but sear the river was a bank of wet sand, flat and smoothed by the receding water. There were no plants around, and only ...
The sagebrush desert and shrubland are the predominant plant species in much of the Great Basin. However, a U.S. Geological Survey report indicates that nearly half of the region's rangelands have ...
Being from the high desert of Central Oregon, I love the evergreen, blue-grey, velvety foliage of sagebrush,' says Jennifer ...
Named for its favorite food, sagebrush, the greater sage grouse also eats plant buds and insects. Mating season, which runs from March through May, is centered around the lek, a courtship behavior ...