A phrase is a group of two or more words that does not contain a subject and a verb working together. There are many types of phrases, including verb phrases, adverb phrases, and adjective phrases.
Prepositions: Check the phrase marked for an incorrect preposition. Reword to avoid a preposition at the end of the sentence. (Wrong: “That is an idea I have never thought about.” Better: “That is an ...
Some nouns, particularly abstract nouns, have to be followed by a prepositional phrase in order to demonstrate what they relate to. They cannot just stand by themselves. There is usually only one ...
For number 5, you can choose whether you want to use two prepositional phrases, or two adverb clauses. - The manager praised her employees for their dedication and for their willingness to work on ...
In the following examples, however, the prepositional phrase might be preferred as it is more succinct: 'Why are you so late?' 'On account of the traffic. Incredibly heavy!' 'Why are you so late?' ...