Olfactory System: The sensory system responsible for the sense of smell, which detects airborne chemicals. Chemosensory Receptors: Proteins that detect chemical stimuli, allowing organisms to ...
report that the piriform-to-olfactory bulb feedback in the mouse carries multimodal identity and reward contingency signals, which are re-formatted within seconds, according to behavioral context.
The human olfactory system discriminates between thousands of odors by interacting specifically with olfactory receptors on sensory neurons. Each receptor can detect several odorants at different ...
We study how the brain represents sensory information to allow it to store unique memories, using the olfactory system of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. How does the brain ...
Studying olfactory adaptations in marine species can inform us about the evolutionary trade-offs between sensory specialization and ecological versatility. Similarly, it can lead to scientists ...