sphagnum bogs, large wetlands, agricultural fields, northern hardwood forest, conifer forests and rock outcrops ensures a wealth of plant and animal diversity. The Adirondack Park’s large, protected, ...
In the video above, special collections librarian Lisa Di Tommaso and botanist Steve Cafferty, both at the Natural History Museum, discuss the scientific importance of the First Fleet collection. The ...
The University’s Museum of Natural History is located on the southern end of campus ... Tiehm’s work is detailed and he maintains a thorough collection of plants, with a focus on Nevada’s flora. Tiehm ...
recording the flora and fauna he saw on his travels. His work is collected in a new book, Catesby's Natural History by Stephen A. Harris, an exploration of the naturalist's landmark treatise ...
Located on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, the Museum of Natural History holds irreplaceable specimens of plants and animals used in research, teaching, and outreach. Collections date ...
Although Madagascar is very rich in biodiversity, it remains particularly vulnerable to the damage caused by global warming. This damage has a devastating impact on ecosystems and local communities.
We are working on bringing all of the standard reference names for all species of flora and fauna in the UK, together in one place. Over 70,000 species of animals, plants, fungi and single-celled ...