The 2010-11 Houston Texans Cheerleaders Swimsuit calendar shoot is complete, and Candy described how it went, and how much fun it was. Ready for additional access into the auditions process?
Second-year veteran Tracy took part in the Houston Texans Cheerleader Swimsuit Calendar photo shoot recently, and talked with Texans TV about how much fun she had being in front of the camera.
Check out this behind-the-scenes video of The ROAR traveling to Vieques Island, Puerto Rico for the Swimsuit Calendar shoot. From auditions to the 2018 calendar shoot to game day - a look behind the ...
The Jaguars cheerleaders shot their 2012 swimsuit in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Day three continued the spectacular shots, in spectacular locations. From auditions to the 2018 calendar shoot to game day - ...
The Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders traveled to Michigan to shoot their 2013-2014 Swimsuit Calendar. But they celebrated its release Friday at Latitude 39 in Indianapolis. Armed with felt-tip pens ...