It was a dramatically filmed thriller with the model train set his father gifted him for Chanukah front and centre. A testament to the enthralling nature of model trains in the 1950s, the ...
A historic Sheffield business is opening a new shop at the city’s main railway station. The model railway firm Rails of ...
The first mass market railway sets where made by Marklin in Germany in 1891 but it was a group of English hobbyists who in 1904 began model building. The first electric models where introduced ...
Dennis Lakomy has been collecting and running model trains since his dad gave him his first model train set in 1962.
Rob Caves started building model train sets back in 2010 in San Diego, which is the starting point for what has turned his home into a beloved holiday attraction. The model figuratively stretches ...
"Model railways, Scalextric sets running around the attic. Yes, there's been a lot of engagement from people. "When there's problems in the world, people do turn inwards, they do look for things ...