The objective of this study was to describe the frequency and type of medication ... errors identified by pharmacists performing medication reconciliations for patients admitted to a Swedish ...
Background An accurate medication list at hospital admission is essential for the evaluation and further treatment of patients. The objective of this study was to describe the frequency, type and ...
The consequences can be fatal: almost 55,000 people die each year in Brazil, the equivalent of six per hour, due to medical errors. The data come from a survey by the Institute of Supplementary Health ...
Prescription errors are the second most frequent -- and expensive -- cause of medical malpractice claims, costing $219 million a year, according to the Physicians Insurance Association of America.
A study has revealed an estimated 237 million medication errors occur in the NHS in England every year, and avoidable adverse drug reactions (ADRs) cause hundreds of deaths. Researchers from the ...
Medication errors are more likely to happen when new doctors arrive to work in hospitals, said report author Nick Mapstone. While the number of deaths should be placed in the context of a large ...
Hospitals must start using “smart” intravenous (IV ... However, smart pumps prevented 668 moderate to severe harm administration errors (a rate of 0.9/1000 IV administrations) and included blood ...