Want to improve their performance and understanding in their math/science class Tried tutoring, office hours, or other similar services but still need more support Identify with one or more of the ...
Zoom: https://wiu.zoom.us/j/96537768001 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:30 - 8:15 p.m. Tutoring is on a walk-in or virtual basis. No appointment is required ...
There's free breakfast too! The Saturday Math Academy offers support for students enrolled in MATH 101, 131, 161, 171, 172, 173, 181, and 182. Tutoring assistance is also available for MATH 185, 190, ...
"The online Zoom tutoring sessions have made a tremendous difference for me, not just my understanding of the coursework but also my self-confidence in how I approach the problems. Working with the ...