“So much of our addiction treatment is actively traumatic,” Szalavitz told Salon in a phone interview. “It tells people, ‘Sit ...
The main change in trauma care has been the introduction of Regional Trauma Networks in 2012 to enable the rapid and safe transfer of patients to designated Major Trauma Centres throughout the country ...
The NHS in England has saved an additional 1,600 patients with severe injuries since major trauma centres were established in 2012. New findings show the creation of major traumas centres has led to ...
A vehicle crash that ejected a child in Lancaster County reportedly left three adults and three children with "major trauma," dispatchers confirm. Dispatchers state that the crash occurred around ...
The MATTS project is a comprehensive programme of research investigating pre-hospital triage tools for use in NHS major trauma networks. Its aim is to develop an accurate, acceptable and usable ...
London Ambulance Service (LAS) said the victims were taken to hospital, including one to a major trauma centre. The Met Police said it believed all those involved knew each other. One man who was ...