随机修改 storage.json 文件中的 macMachineId、machineId 和 devDeviceId 字段。 自动跳过空的标识符字段。 适用于 macOS 系统的设备信息修改。 脚本简单,易于使用。 确保你安装了 Python 3 环境。如果没有安装,可以参考官方文档进行安装。 每个字段的值将随机替换其中的 ...
This is for Mac OS. ViMouse introduce your Mac two modes Normal and Input Mode such like the Vim. After you start up the ViMouse, the indigator will appear at the menu bar. When Normal mode, the menu ...
In that case, you can navigate to the second option and drag the slider to make the cursor bigger or smaller. Depending on what Mac OS version your computer is running, the steps may differ a bit. You ...
When I'm watching a video on my Mac, I like to keep the experience as immersive as possible. I don't want to see notifications, the menu bar, or even the mouse cursor. It's pretty easy to put your ...