Experts warn the same effect could happen here. “If it’s the right place with the right ground conditions, the earth can ...
The proposed procedure is applied to assess the soil liquefaction potential, which is found to be considerably affected by the inherent spatial variability of soil properties. Parametric studies, ...
Numerous constitutive laws have been proposed for the numerical analysis of dynamic induced liquefaction of soil materials. In order to be useful to the engineering practice, a numerical technique ...
But computer simulations are helping scientists and engineers improve predictions for liquefaction—a sometimes deadly earthquake effect where the soil loses its stiffness, thus toppling ...
His main areas of research are shake table tests on deep and shallow foundations; liquefaction and laterally spreading grounds; mitigation measures for foundations in liquefiable soils; nonlinear site ...
Soil liquefaction serves to topple poorly secured structures, bridges and roads. It also wreaks havoc on important underground infrastructure. After a severe 1989 temblor in the San Francisco area ...