Make sure you have someone to drive you home after your procedure. We may also place a stent in your ureter (tube between your bladder and kidney) up to a few weeks prior to your surgery. This stent, ...
such as kidney stones. Once the blockage has cleared, the stent is ready for removal. This procedure takes 1 to 2 minutes and usually takes place in the hospital. In rare cases, doctors perform ...
What to expect during a stent procedure During the procedure ... and to hold metformin for a couple of days to prevent kidney injury. Overall, you should talk with your doctor about any ...
A stent is a small tube that helps keep the artery open. It can also keep small pieces of plaque from breaking off and causing problems. You may need to spend the night in the hospital. For 1 or 2 ...
Endoscopic stent placement has been recommended as an alternative treatment for this condition. Weber et al. evaluated the long-term benefits of endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERP ...