Seeds, fruits, subterranean fungi (Endogene spp.) and small terrestrial invertebrates are the foods of the meadow jumping mouse. Animal foods predominate in the spring and early summer diets until ...
The large hind limbs, bright colors, and long, tapered, white-tipped tail identify the woodland jumping mouse. The 115-160 mm (4.5-6.3 in), sparsely-haired tail, grayish brown above, and white below ...
“The jumping mouse and these spotted owls will only survive if the meadows and streams they ... “The Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service need to do their job and protected these fragile ...
The woodland jumping mouse (Napaeozapus insignis) inhabits the northeastern U. S. and southeastern Canada as far west as Manitoba and as far south as northern Georgia. It's large, often eight to ...
Under the agreement, the Forest Service will complete, monitor and maintain fences in New Mexico meadow jumping mouse habitat on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest and remove feral animals when ...