But when your teeth hurt while brushing or eating or having a chilled drink, that's when you realise you need to focus more on oral health. If you have sensitive teeth, simple activities like ...
In this case, you may suffer from other dental issues, like sensitive teeth, as well. "When the tooth initially starts to decay, the dentine layer begins to rot under the enamel, leading to tooth ...
Dental implants are for functionality and aesthetics that come at a higher cost. Dentures, on the other hand, provide an accessible, non-surgical alternative. If you’re deciding between dental ...
Sensodyne has unveiled Clinical Repair, a two-strong range of toothpaste designed to repair sensitive teeth. Clinical Repair Deep Clean and Clinical Repair Active White (rsp: £10) are formulated to ...
Tooth sensitivity is discomfort in one or more teeth that is triggered by hot, cold, sweet or sour foods, or drinks, or cold air. Bad breath is often caused by bacteria in your mouth that gives ...