An oscillator that uses a quartz crystal to generate a frequency. Such devices generally output a fixed frequency, but some can be controlled by a tuning voltage over a small range. Contrast with VCO.
In the quest for an accurate frequency standard there are many options depending on your budget, but one of the most affordable is an oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO). [RF Burns] has a ...
Enter the oven controlled crystal oscillator, or OCXO. These do basically what it says on the tin, but what’s inside them? [Kerry Wong] took apart a vintage Toyocom TCO-627VC 10 MHz OCXO ...
This is a crystal oscillator IO pad designed for low-power consumption application. The OSC power supply is 3.3V, and the IO pad provides clock signal under 1.8V core power supply. The OSC is a Pierce ...