Some on the list date back to 2018, according to staff members, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development rules require that everyone already on the waiting list be notified if the list ...
Topeka is lobbying Kansas lawmakers to try to get easier access to inspect government-funded housing. Here's why.
Credit: Rebecca Caraway / Noozhawk photo Santa Barbara County will start an Isla Vista housing inspection program in response to reports of poor conditions including mold, leaks, and lack of heating.
Supervisors approved a plan to create a housing inspection program in the college town. Leaks, mold, delayed repairs and even crumbling balconies have spurred supervisors into action. The housing ...
House committee members on Monday voted to add an additional $25 million to a revolving loan fund designed to incentivize housing construction. In particular, House Bill 1005 prioritizes funding for ...