In Florida, coral nurseries suffered mass deaths due to record sea temperatures last summer. The only long-term way to protect corals on the Great Barrier Reef and elsewhere is to rapidly reduce ...
And that’s great news for the local sea life. Coral reef conservation is a huge undertaking in Florida, with several groups across the state engaging in research to prevent coral reefs from ...
Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg describes the Great Barrier Reef as "the Manhattan of marine ecosystems”. Coral reefs are vitally important nursery grounds for fish and other marine life.
An curved arrow pointing right. Following is a video transcript. Jessica Levy: The Florida reef tract is the US's only barrier reef system. It's about 300 miles long. And what we saw over the last ...
"The Florida reef is being decimated by something called stony coral tissue loss disease," she said. Since the disease is transmitted through water, the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission ...
The authors also identified where reef restoration would be cost effective on the coasts of Florida and Puerto Rico ... would need to be raised at great expense. However, coral reefs are living ...