A new study of the Great Barrier Reef has revealed that the network of no-take marine reserves supplies nearly half of the region's coral trout fishery catch.
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system. It stretches over 2,300 kilometres along the coast of ...
Narrator: This is the Great Barrier Reef ... you're diving on a coral reef that's healthy. So, you know, it's just amazing and beautiful. Narrator: But this vast ecosystem has been declining ...
More than 40% of corals monitored near an island in the southern reef were killed last year, according to a new study. Find ...
New research reveals significant transformations in fish communities on the Great Barrier Reef, the World's largest coral reef ecosystem. Life on the Great Barrier Reef is undergoing big changes ...
The Great Barrier Reef has been seriously damaged by too much ocean heat. According to University of Sydney: The damage is at ...
The research by University of Sydney marine scientists highlights the complex interplay between heat stress, disease onset and coral mortality. It found that 66 percent of the colonies were bleached ...
Researchers are urging policymakers to take action in light of 'catastrophic' damage to the world's largest coral reef system ...
The Great Barrier Reef ecosystem faces many pressures with some, such as coral bleaching and cyclones, becoming more intense and frequent in recent decades. Extreme heat stress resulted in six ...
The University of Sydney published a study that highlights the alarming impact “of unprecedented marine heatwaves on coral ecosystems”: Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef now at ...
A team of marine scientists from the University of Sydney has published the first peer-reviewed study documenting the devastating coral bleaching events that occurred on the southern Great Barrier ...