the highly anticipated third installment in the Fourth Wing series. The series blends together fantasy and romance, which means readers get to enjoy both steamy scenes and dragon riding.
Onyx Storm is officially releasing on Tuesday, January 2 1, and preorders are currently discounted on Amazon. Additionally, if you haven't already read the first two books, you can access them for ...
Fourth Wing follows twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail as she leaves the life of a Scribe behind at her mother’s demand that she become a dragon rider. At the order of her mother, who is a ...
The steamy, dreamy Fourth Wing follows 20-year-old Violet Sorrengail as she’s forced to enter Basgiath War College’s treacherous “Riders” wing, in the hopes of claiming a dragon and ...
the highly anticipated third installment in the Fourth Wing series. The series blends together fantasy and romance, which means readers get to enjoy both steamy scenes and dragon riding.