Scientists have suggested the presence of something mysterious and invisible at the center of our galaxy. Last year, researchers argued that the strange behavior of Mars could be explained by dark ...
It feels like every other day now, new research emerges which manages to turn our understanding of the universe completely on its head. We're always ready to have our minds blown, of course, and new ...
In a separate development published late last year in Science, physicists experimentally demonstrated another kind of particle that is neither a boson nor a fermion — an ‘anyon’ — in a ...
Bosons are the 'force carrying' or 'force-mediating' particles. If a fermion, such as a quark or lepton produces a boson, which is then taken in by another fermion, then a force exists between the ...
Every fundamental particle in the universe fits into one of two groups called fermions and bosons, but now it seems there could be other particles out there that break this simple classification and w ...