The consequences of “overshoot” are already clear: habitat and species loss, and accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere. The Ecological Footprint adds up all the ecological services people demand ...
MTS has launched a digital eco-project "Digital Ecological Footprint Calculator". It allows us to determine how human actions with high-tech devices and digital services affect the environment and ...
Welcome to Santa Clara University's very own Carbon Footprint Calculator created by SCU students. Or, if you prefer, welcome to a user-friendly device to measure our Bronco Hoofprint. We want to track ...
To assess your footprint and identify ways to reduce it, the Agence de la transition écologique (Ademe) has set up “Our Climate Gestures”, a personalized calculator that allows you to assess ...
The WWF Carbon Footprint Calculator is a simple questionnaire-based tool (designed for UK residents) that estimates how your lifestyle leads to carbon emissions across four categories. This report ...