The magnitude of this penalty is apparent when the growth experience of Africa is compared with that of East Asia: over one-quarter of the differential growth rate between these two regions can be ...
This paper analyzes the impact of differential tariffs on consumption and investment in a specific factors model of a small open economy in which capital is accumulated over time. Particular attention ...
This type of medium is both selective and differential. The MSA will select for organisms such as Staphylococcus species which can live in areas of high salt concentration (plate on the left in the ...
The rhizobacteria can colonize different sites of the rhizosphere (e.g., the root surface or interior) and directly or indirectly stimulate plant growth. When introduced to seeds, roots or into the ...
Abstract: We consider two separate systems of fractional differential equations with exponential non-linearities ... Bounds on the blow-up time for each system are provided along with the asymptotic ...